Saturday, January 10, 2009

You'd Have To Be Drunk To Wear 'Em

This is what I'd call a Holy Grail Kitsch Find: a vintage pair of "happy sloshed pipe cleaner men earrings". Dude, I know what we're making next Girl's Night... Because it probably helps to be tipsy to make 'em too.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Kitsch Is, After All, About Bad Taste... So Urine For A Treat

The Dutch has Heineken, St. Pauli's got its girl, but Brussels has their Manneken Boy -- and travelers apparently like to bring him home and make him dispense drinks.

While we still don't want to grab any coins out of it, the fountain makes more sense than the idea of recycled booze -- but, hey, Brussels doesn't sell itself like Vegas. So what happens in Brussels, comes back from Brussels.

All of this makes us wonder about the souvenir trinkets from Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fortune Stix Don't Sux

I'm pretty darn sure these are swizzle sticks; at least that's why I grabbed the baggy of 'em (which also had some silly old candle holders for cakes -- photos of them later).

Super bonus points because they are fortune telling sticks. The six Fortune Stix (one's a repeat) predict:
Vanity will be your undoing.

A successful trip is forecast.

Near-by love will protect you.

Hard work will make you wealthy.

Your charm will bring you riches.
I guess my particular brand of charm will involve hard work... I guess that's the only way I can avoid being vain.

I'm thinking the "near-by love" who will "protect you" is the designated driver. And that's why you'll also have a successful trip.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Drink That Takes You Into Orbit

"You must have been on another planet if you haven't tried smooth, flawless Smirnoff."

We think she's a drinker because with that hair, she's never had the space helmet on.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

"Once upon a time, America was a cocktail party throwing nation."

Spotting these grand album covers at Fabulon I was reminded to direct you to several of my favorite posts at Collectors' Quest:

Drunk On Collecting: Swizzle Sticks & Strange Ads

Drunk On Collecting Continues...

And what's drinking without smoking? Up In Smoke: The Vanishing Culture of Tobacco.

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