Sunday, April 13, 2008

No Trash In The Future

I've got a 1962 "Municipal Index" -- it's essentially a catalog of manufacturers of street sweepers, steamrollers, fireplugs, and other things cities need. Most of the ads are boring, showing crap like 'features' and 'details' -- and then I run across this one from United Metal Receptacle Corp:

The implication is that, in the future, people won't recognize a freakin' trash can. I expect she's got Burger King 3000 back at home showing the kids how to use a fork and knife. As advertising goes, it serves its purpose: I'll remember the ad, and remember why it looks that way, but it implies that in the future, women can become archaeologists but they'll be dumb as posts. Smokin' hot, but dumb as posts. Thanks, 1962, for this lesson in feminism.

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