Frederick’s Wouldn’t Scalp You

“If you can tell it from your own hair… Send it back!” If you can’t tell wigs from your own hair, please don’t scalp yourself and send that back to Frederick’s Of Hollywood.

Mustache Business Card

I know, it’s Movember and you’re trying to grow it out, but just hold on to this business card;  after your mom sees that anemic caterpillar on your lip at Thanksgiving, you’ll be wanting to have it gone by Christmas.  Big Daddy’s Barber Shop has everything worked out for you:



Craft Scan Friday: Sales Demonstration For Candle Making

A sales demonstration for Glo Candles, circa 1950s. Found in The Glo Candle For All Occasions, The Glow Candle Co., Kansas City, Missouri; copyright 1952 and 1956 by Consumers Cooperative Association.

“Good Morning Mr. Khadafy… This is your wake-up call.”

Dug this t-shirt, circa 1986 and commemorating President Reagan’s U.S. naval fighter action against Muammar Gaddafi, out and put it up on eBay because now it is a true collector’s item. Marking a specific event, it is perhaps even more ephemeral than paper works as these tees were worn and washed until they wore out!

Along with the phrase, “Good Morning Mr. Khadafy… This is your wake-up call,” there’s an F/A-18 (which looks like it’s straight out of Jane’s). I don’t suppose even the mighty US military can wake Muammar up now.