Are You Ready For Some Football, Little Man?

An All American little boy football player bulletin board — bright colors printed on that 70’s natural burlap. Available for sale in our Etsy shop.

all american retro football boy 1970s

Disney: It’s A Living, Gretel

Going through stacks of records, I redisc-overed this gem from 1964: Walt Disney Presents The Story of Hansel and Gretel, with music from the opera by Humperdinck.

vintage disney hansel gretel lp

At first I thought it was this Engelbert Humperdinck, but it turns out it was by this one; thanks NPR. As disappointing as that was, there was another delightful discovery…

Along with Laura Olsher (narrator), Michael Donahue (Hansel) and Martha Wentwoth (Witch), the voice of Gretel was Ann Jilliann!

story of hansel and gretel disney record

That’s a variant spelling of Ann Jillian — the extra “n” was also how she was billed for her portrayal of Little Bo Peep in Disney’s Babes In Toyland. Ann, of course, is to be adored for many things — among them It’s A Living.

The 16 year-old me adored that show; the adult me wants to watch it again. I can’t be the only one… Why isn’t that show available on DVD or Netflix or something?


Antique Witch Costume Brings Big Bucks, Some Assembly Required

This antique Butterick pattern for a witch costume dating to 1898 recently sold for $199.99. Images from the seller, wiskeycowboy.


See Also – Sewing Pattern History: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four.

Muddled Meanderings in an Outhouse

Poetry straight out of the potty, Muddled Meanderings in an Outhouse by Bob Ross features photos of old outhouses too. We’ve got a copy for sale at Exit 55 Antiques; you can call the store direct at 218) 998-3088 or contact us here if interested. Otherwise, there’s Amazon and eBay.

meanderings in an outhouse

A Puzzling Big John, Little John Flashback

Do you remember watching Big John, Little John — “your favorite Saturday Live TV show” on NBC? The short-lived Saturday morning television show featured Herbert Edelman as John Martin aka Big John, a 40-something science teacher, who drinks from the Fountain Of Youth, resulting in being randomly changed into a his 12-year old “Little John” self (played by Robbie Rist; who also played Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch). Since no one can tell when the rejuvenation will begin — or end — hilarity ensues. The series producer was Sherwood Schwartz (writer, creator, & producer of Gilligan’s Island, The Brady Bunch & other classics).

This is one of the few merchandizing items from that 70s TV show, a jigsaw puzzle made by H-G Toys Inc. (puzzle number 440-06), now available for purchase in our Etsy shop.

I personally do not recall this show; if you do, you can reminisce by watching the old episodes on DVD (finally released last October).

big john little john puzzle

Cigarette Butts — Get It?

The part of the cigarette that’s left when you’re done smoking is called a “butt” — and back in the day, millions were made on toilet-themed ashtrays. These are just a few we’ve had. The one sans donkey is a bit confusing… It has one small potty or chamber pot for matches, another for ashes, and the center toilet bowl is for “cigarettes”. Perhaps the “butts” thing didn’t translate well. Or maybe this is for fancy folk who have both the inclination and the time to separate their ashes from their butts.

vintage cigarette butt ashtray toilets

Both vintage tobacciana items were made in Japan (one in Occupied Japan) and are china Lusterware pieces. You can find lots of other versions of vintage toilet ashtrays on eBay, naturally.

We don’t always talk about our antique business here (we mainly do that here — sometimes here), however, I have to say that neither of these items were clean when we got them from the estate. So I had to take a tweezers and pluck out each old cigarette butt from the miniature toilets. It was very difficult to do with that toilet the donkey’s pulling because the bowl’s hole is so much smaller (however, butts can — and do — go where the bowl widens at the bottom). Not that you really care; but that’s the facts. The butt facts.

PS I wonder if women always made men put these toilet seats down too?

made in japan lusterware ashtrays



Lenticular Jesus

A little video of the vintage religious kitsch piece we have for sale in our booth at Exit 55 Antiques (Fergus Falls, MN). We thought you would enjoy the lenticular action of the 3-D holographic Jesus better this way. (And, yes, that cord you see means this piece has its own lighting — the bulb is beneath that extra layer of ornate golden filigree fame at the top of the picture. Jesus literally lights the way.)


Not The Bell Bottom Jeans You’re Thinking Of

No, these jeans aren’t the typical ’70s bell bottoms at all; these are retro denim pants with the Bell Telephone logo embroidered on the back pocket. The pair we have are still in their original plastic bag and are available for purchase in our Etsy shop.

bell telephone jeans