Craft Scan Friday: Glitter Snoopy Plaques

Do you remember when those melty-plastic-chip things were popular?  Hey, they were “America’s Hottest Money-Makers.”

As published in the February, 1971 issue of The Workbasket.

Craft Scan Friday: Meet Mr. Mickey Marasco

Mickey Marasco, “Wisconsin top baseball and softball sponsor wishes the Spartans the best of luck.” The Spartans were the CSFL pro-football team from West Allis; Mickey ran Marasco’s Craft Kings. It seems Mickey wanted to really play up his butch side. You know, to counter his feminine craft side.

Ad found in this 1974 Center States Football League yearbook.

Modern Woman Mondays & Some Sort Of A Hat Collide

Hey, ladies, “buy by the kit and save” when you make your own hats! From Fox Millinery Supply Spring-Summer Catalog 1966.

And, “Fruit & Berry Hats To Copy” — because, unlike Carmen Miranda, you need “new ideas,” and “helpful hints” to make “‘THOSE’ Clever Small Hats.” (Also included, “Make An Easter & Summer Veil Hat.”) From the 1961 Louie Miller catalog.

Craft Scan Friday: Knit Your Doll A Hula Skirt

As promised, pattern instructions from Virginia Lakin’s Petite Bazaar Knitting Book Three. I’m including the hula skirt and the bra or swimsuit top — because I don’t want your fashion doll to go topless! (And the tips pages too, so you can be sure to make your fashion doll’s clothing just right.)