The New Krofft Supershow Comic #2

Fan of The New Krofft Supershow? Here’s the Whitman comic, #2. Front cover with photos is copyrighted 1977; but the title page is dated May 1978.

Inside, the comic stories feature Magic Mongo, Kaptain Kool & The Kongs, Bigfoot & Wildboy, and Wonderbug. Tons of retro ads.

If you live in the US or Canada, you can buy it from me for $9.99 (plus shipping) — or take your chances at eBay

Breeders Wanted

It may not be what you think — even if the classified ad was found in that retro romance magazine.  …I wonder if the irony of Ms & Mr Lonelyhearts assisting in “animal romance” was lost on anyone? Or if the suicide rate was higher among those singles who bred animals simply to have them tortured for testing, then die… Oh, by the way, Happy Valentine’s Day!

I Miss Vinyl

You might not be old enough to remember this, but back in the day, even before the Golden Age Of Album Art,  this was one of the ways you showed off your record collection and musical taste. Do that with your MP3s, yo.

Debbie Harry and Chris Stein photo via 80’s Record Party.

Be An Accountant, Man

Sexist ad on the back cover of Ranch Romances & Adventures (May, 1971) which clearly states that men who are trained in accounting are being moved up the ladder to important management positions. Way to go, LaSalle. Did the coursework include how to belittle the female accountants and ways to chase the secretary around the office?

Say Hello To El Santo

CarlosPC has left a new comment on Your Guess Is As Good As Ours:

Without looking for clues in Google I can tell you that this picture was taken circa 1970 in Mexico when a Costa Rican movie producer visited to negotiate the production of a movie with “El Santo” mexican wrestler.

The clipping is from a mexican newspaper called Excelsior (I can tell from the typography).