May I Interest You In Some Retro Merchandise?

I have a thing for old photos of retailing situations. These two, featuring a Disney Donald Duck bag and a Muppet Show lunchbox and thermos, are from a lot currently listed on eBay.

I Live Amongst Swedes, But I Didn’t Know This

I fondly recall Pippi Longstocking, but either never connected that she was Swedish or didn’t remember it… So, I was floored to find the wooden Villa Villekulla doll houses among the “typical Swedish gifts”. Adorable!

Bobbie Freaked Out Santa

In this vintage photo, it looks like the freaky vintage stuffed masked-faced Santa toy is the one a bit creeped out. …Maybe it’s a draw. Via

PS I’d like to shout out “Happy Birthday!” to my sister who is afraid of most every doll. *wink*

Vintage Celebrity Cowboy Birthday

Roy Rogers & Dale Evans celebrate a child’s birthday with — what else? — a cowboy themed birthday cake. This photo feels like it was taken at a children’s ward… The seller offers no details, but says this is a previously unpublished photo.