Tomato Buttermilk Pickup

Normally I save the vintage recipes for Things Your Grandmother Knew, but this one? Phew! It’s not much of a recipe (buttermilk and tomato juice, two-to-one), but is sure sounds disgusting. While you’re here, help yourself to a prune shake — recipe. (Via.)

kitschy vintage dairy beverage recipes

My Foster Mother Is Cow. So Is Yours.

From Favorite Recipes From America’s Dairlyand, by the Wisconsin State Department of Agriculture (who else?) comes the following moo-ving sentiments:

This Dairlyland Cook Book is a Tribute to the Foster Mother of the Human Race whose Dairy Products have made America strong and mighty.

Least you have any doubts who our “foster mother” is, there’s a photographic portrait of the divine bovine.

PS This that’s cheesy? Check out my “Better Know Your Cheese” contest.

dairlyand foster mothers vintage

Retro Owl String Art

There may be some kind of math lessons to be found in string art, but we don’t give a hoot about that. We’ve just listed this fabulous vintage mother and baby owl string art piece at eBay; loads more owl string art works to be found there too, should you already have this one in orange.

owl string art

Salting Away Your Money

Kitschy vintage salt and pepper shakers, souvenirs from Gooseberry Falls. One in the shape of a safe, the other a golden moneybag, it may have some political statement when the rise of tourism in the 1920s created a concern that the area would be accessible only to the rich.

Captain & Tennille Reconsider Love Song

Once they see this mighty fine pig at what appears to be a Springfield, MA, fair, the pop song due must have been rethinking Mustkrat Love. That’ll do, pig; that’ll do. Via