Modern Woman Monday’s: 1950s Hipster Edition

So you want the look of not really caring if it rains. But you can’t just go place a newspaper on your head — what will wet newsprint do to your hair?! You spent hours getting your coif to look like you don’t care! Enter the faux newspaper scarf. Les Lunettes Noires, c1950 (Chris Tselios).

Creepy Vintage Chalkware Babies

So, you’re decorating the old nursery, and you think it would be awesome to hang babies on the wall? I bet you also can’t understand why the baby cries every time you tuck her in.

How about just some severed baby faces on the wall? I bet you think your baby has colic; there’s no other reason baby should cry all the time…

There are creepy chalkware babies, there are really creepy chalkware babies — and then there are racist chalkware babies. Like this vintage chalkware string-holder featuring a little African-American baby on watermelon. I may go to bed crying just having seen that.

Image Credits: 1940s Plast Plak Hand Painted Chalkware Wall Baby via Bayutiful; Vintage Chalkware Happy Baby Face and Vintage Chalkware Crying Baby Face via ephemerascenti; and the vintage racist stringholder via midwestscout.

Power Mustache

You know how awesome mustaches are, and now you can have them watching you in every room:

Creative Outlets Stickers, found at Etsy, have more than just moustaches, though: you can make your outlets look like dogs, girls, and all sort of other anthropomorphic things that’ll make you feel bad for shoving big metal spikes into their eyes and mouths.  Just be aware of what kinds of mains your country uses; U.S. outlets look quite humanlike, but if you’re from somewhere else, adding mustaches to your outlets might look more like a robot failing at trying to look inconspicuous amongst the humans.