Look At Me, I’m Midget Frankie Dee

Vera Francis and Jimmy Edwards with “midget liquor salesman Frankie Dee.” (I’m pretty sure that means Frankie Dee was a midget; not that he was a salesman of midget booze bottles, like those you find in hotel room bars and on airplanes.)

Photo found in Jet magazine, February 19, 1953. More than that, Vera had midgets dueling for her affections. Check it out in my Vera Francis Timeline.

Yup, that’s Kitschy Kitschy Coo; showing you everything, from midgets to giants.

There Might Just Be A Reason For The Masks

We don’t always wish to be remembered for our costumes… Would you be proud to discover your ancestor in this vintage Halloween photo, circa 1920s? Wouldn’t you prefer to remain ignorant to grandpa in blackface? I’d prefer he was the gas-mask wearing guy. But never ever the horn-playing clown. I’m fine, however, with cross-dressing grandma. I have plenty of those in my family tree. (I’m pretty sure I posted pics of that somewhere… But I couldn’t find them, even with Google’s help. Bummer.)

Photo via Lynnstudios.

Look for the other Kitschy Kitschy Coo Halloween posts here and here.

A 1962 Bouffant Optical Illusion

When I first looked at this cover of the 1962 Christmas Recipes booklet, “To you, best ever, from” Wisconsin Power and Light Company, I thought the image was of one woman with a huge bouffant — or some furry hat. But apparently it’s a woman and her child.