For Guys Who Spend A Lot Of Time Looking At Photos Of Catherine Bach

You can hide your obsession for the original Daisy Duke and your completely natural but perhaps embarrassing activities with said photo by scrapbooking the photos with 3-D paper embellishments. There are even Hoggco Gas Pumps for her to pose by.


Play With Reddy Flame & Reddy Kilowatt

I had a whole plastic baggy full of these vintage / retro plastic toy puppets from NSP Northern States power Co. One side has Reddy Kilowatt, the other Reddy Flame. I’m not sure gas and electricity are things you want to encourage your kids to play with but… Or small plastic bags either. But you can catch the remaining ones at Listia and eBay.

Travel To Mexico, Get Gasolmex

Isn’t that why you shouldn’t drink the water?

Vintage ad for gasoline found in The Gazer Pocket Guidebook To Mexico; issue is number 44 (of the XV year No. 772) dated for the week of March 5-11, 1965.