Got A Light?

You will with fun-tastic lamps by CreativePal! Check out the Hollywood Finger Cigarette Ring Custom TV Lamp and Bobs Chocolate Candy Cigarette Box Lamp! No vintage things were harmed; graphics were scanned and recreated to create these gems. (PS You may also want to see my old post on candy cigarettes.)

Cod Liver Oil Vs The Laundry

Another one of those “prize winning household hints” from that 1940s Hint Hunt booklet: “Give cod liver oil while the baby is taking a bath and you will avoid staining clothes!”

No word on how to avoid staining the bathtub.

(Vintage) Boys Behaving Badly

Perhaps it’s because years of leafing through vintage magazines has left me rather immune to (at least the original) shock of seeing babies sucking on pipes and nursing from other tobacco sources (well, that and the knowledge that kids with tobacco is prevalent in other places) that I’m struck more by the second image…

Taken only in 1986, it’s difficult to recall a world in which such photos — taken in as film and processed, yet — would not result in a visit from child protective services.

Photos found via adski kafeteri at LJ.

Quality Time With Grandpa

That’s Richard Shufflebottom throwing knives at his grandson Garry at a Yorkshire fairground. If Garry’s mom, Florence, seems too happy to watch, it’s because Richard’s her father; so heaven only knows what her childhood was like. (Photo via National Fairground Archive.)

A Little Elk Wearing His First Pin

An antique BPOE framed print by August Hutaf, copyright 1908, showing a little boy in a cloth diaper — I think you can guess what pin this Elk has earned. And it looks like he’s going to employ that pin against a water balloon…