Free 3D Mustache

It seems you can 3D print anything these days, from a bikini to a gum-chewer’s face to a gun —  but some people in Colorado are putting the technology to an even better use:  manufacturing fake mustaches in fancy colors!  If you live in Denver you can get one of your own this weekend, by attending the “Intro to 3D Printing” class at The Concoctory on Saturday.


Turtle Outfits

I refuse to believe these have any practical use.  The only explanation is that this Etsy shop is where turtle superheroes get all their outfits.  Supervillains, maybe, but I’ve never heard of a turtle supervillain before.  Turtles can’t be evil, can they?


(they’re so you can see your turtle when they wander away in your lawn.  Don’t worry, it’s a turtle, you still have several days to catch up with them before they’re out of eyeshot. )

Presidential Hats

Garry Moore, narrator of The Right Man (a show about past American presidential campaigns which aired prior to the 1960 election), wearing “headgear suggesting the days of Abe Lincoln (stovepipe), Grover Cleveland (soft beaver), Teddy Roosevelt (Rough Rider model) and something that looks as if it might be a brown derby.”

san antonio light oct 23 1960 garry moore in presidential hats