Salting Away Your Money

Kitschy vintage salt and pepper shakers, souvenirs from Gooseberry Falls. One in the shape of a safe, the other a golden moneybag, it may have some political statement when the rise of tourism in the 1920s created a concern that the area would be accessible only to the rich.

Visions Of Sugar Plums Dance In Their Heads?

Meh. Probably not. But just try to get the image of these four babes from the 1940s out of your head! Each wears long johns or footie pajamas (perhaps with the old drop-seats, who can tell?) and snuggles a stuffed animal as all four of them lay in bed.

I Live Amongst Swedes, But I Didn’t Know This

I fondly recall Pippi Longstocking, but either never connected that she was Swedish or didn’t remember it… So, I was floored to find the wooden Villa Villekulla doll houses among the “typical Swedish gifts”. Adorable!

Bobbie Freaked Out Santa

In this vintage photo, it looks like the freaky vintage stuffed masked-faced Santa toy is the one a bit creeped out. …Maybe it’s a draw. Via

PS I’d like to shout out “Happy Birthday!” to my sister who is afraid of most every doll. *wink*